Can you relate?...

  • You've always been told breakfast is the most important meal of the day, now you hear you're supposed to skip...umm what?!

  • You've heard about fasting but don't know if it could work for you

  • You've got a pretty good diet but results have slowed (or stopped)

  • You cringe at the thought of starting another diet to count calories, buy special diet foods or stick to rigid diet plans

Here's what you need to know when it comes to intermittent fasting...

There's not just 1 way to do it!

So how do you know which way is the RIGHT way for you? To work this out you need to think about:


    You may have heard of the 5:2, 16:8, OMAD, alternate day, 24hr, fasting mimicking diet among others but what do they all involve and which one will suit you best? You will need to consider your medical history and other lifestyle factors to work out which is best for you. In this short course Carly will walk you through all the considerations.


    Intermittent fasting has numerous benefits that have been backed by research. It may be beneficial to improve metabolic health, protect against chronic disease, help with diabetes remission, support weight loss, boost cognitive performance, prevent neurodegenerative disorders, reduce inflammation and more.


    One hormone that is central to many of our body's processes like metabolism, growth, weight loss, and muscle strength is Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which naturally declines as we age. Fasting has been shown to increase levels of HGH and decrease levels of insulin, the hormone responsible for fat storage and inflammation.

Ready to enjoy the benefits of losing weight, improving your metabolic health, brain function and maybe even living longer?

(and no, you don't have to cut out the alcohol!)

Watch Intro Video

Watch Carly introduce the course here

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Speak to Your Doctor IF:...

    3. Map your path

    1. Fasting types differ - which one is right for you?

    2. Turbocharge weight loss with fasting

    3. It's not ALL about weight loss - other benefits of fasting

    1. How to ease into a fasting routine

    2. Setting up your environment

    3. Troubleshooting

    1. What NOT to do when breaking your fast

    2. Has dieting destroyed your hunger signals?

    3. Your fasting meal plan

    4. Staying on track

    1. Moving Forward

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 14 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Benefits of this course:

  • Learn the science

    Cut through the hype with no-nonsense, straight forward explanations of the different types of fasting and learn how to implement it for yourself.

  • Go at your own pace

    Watch the videos and read through the simple content at a time that works for you. You can access this course through an online portal that you can login to at any time.

  • Bonus material

    Use our Dietitian Developed meal plans to get started with fasting. We take out the guesswork for you so you can make sure you are doing it RIGHT.

Don’t feel restricted or go on a diet

Turbocharge your results with intermittent fasting.

Our Dietitians understand you just can’t face another diet and you’re looking for a long term solution to your problem. We will show you how to make intermittent fasting a part of your lifestyle that won’t deprive you of the foods you enjoy.

We are an expert team providing all the support you need

Developed and run by qualified dietitians and nutritionists

Accredited Practising Dietitian, Accredited Nutritionist Carly Barlow

Carly is an Accredited Practising Dietitian who takes a holistic approach to nutrition and lifestyle changes. She helps her clients understand the ‘why’ behind making positive lifestyle changes but also helps with the ‘how’ by providing realistic nutrition solutions. Carly helps her clients to rediscover the joy of eating wholesome and delicious food, whilst catering for individual medical requirements and preferences. She can assist with a wide range of nutritional issues including: • Metabolic health including weight management and bariatric nutrition, insulin resistance, PCOS and lower carbohydrate approach (LCHF) • Gut health including intolerances, diverticular disease, FODMAPS, and coeliac disease • Eating disorders including binge eating disorder and emotional eating • Chronic diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer • Life stage nutrition including nutrition for seniors and women’s health. Carly has an interest in helping her clients change their eating behaviours, whilst taking the stress out of food choices. She offers a non-judgemental approach to weight and food concerns and encourages people to become inquisitive about their bodies and how food impacts their health, energy and vitality. She understands what it is like to balance a busy family and work schedule so takes a caring, realistic and practical approach with her clients. Carly graduated from Griffith University after studying a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics and is an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD). She currently works in both private practice and at the Gold Coast Private Hospital as a clinical dietitian. She has completed additional training in the gut microbiome, food intolerances/FODMAPS, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT-e) for behaviour change and eating disorders. Carly also sits on various committees with Dietitians Australia.

Invest in your health

This short course contains simple, step by step videos and explanations to get you up to speed on fasting and save you time on doing your own research.